30 years of Donna Rubin Design!
Happy Anniversary to me and my business,
Donna Rubin Design!
I’m not much of a blogger, but 5 years ago when I was celebrating 25 years, I wrote two articles. One was about how I got started, and the other was about how I lasted 25 years. I just re-read those articles, and they are still completely valid and true and appropriate now. I wouldn’t change a thing. So please, go read them here and here!
A lot has changed in 30 years, but what has changed in the past five years? Well, COVID for one thing, and I wrote an article about my business during that time too. Still a good article, you can read it here. In the past five years, I’ve done a lot more canvas painting. I’ve had commissioned artworks, but I’ve also painted just for myself, and for friends. I managed to have 4 artworks accepted into gallery shows, and I won second prize for one of them! That’s new!

Opening of gallery exhibit with my painting and my award.

Opening of gallery exhibit with my painting
People ask me about retirement. I don’t think it’s something that artists really ever consider. Are painted canvas projects a way for me to ease into retirement? No. I do enjoy the comfort and convenience of painting in my home studio from time to time, but I’m still too restless to do it every day! I thrive on variety! In the past five years I’ve also had some fun exterior projects. And I’m still trying to nab at least one great outdoor public mural project. So no, I’m definitely not done yet!

Completing exterior logo project

Working on exterior heart and logo painting
I’m suspect there will come a day when I want to turn down jobs that involve excessive heights! And there will probably come a day when I want to pare down my geographic range to shorter commutes. But I’m not there yet. Thirty years is pretty awesome, I’m very proud, I have incredible clients. I’m grateful to all of them, including the challenging ones. I’ll continue to see how things evolve and keep an open mind. That has always been my business strategy, and it’s worked so far. I am here for you as always. But first I want some cake!